That's Entertainment

Short Fuse has finally reached That's E! I'm currently selling Peace Man 1 and 2 there and hope to get others there soon. I am working on a new comic that should be coming out in a few weeks. It will be called "Just Another Day" and will be a slightly more serious series than my previous comics. Don't worry though! This does not mean all my comics will be following the same style of this new series. Bolts 2 should be out in about a month and a half and Anger Man 3 will be up next. Also I will be posting some more of my art within the next few weeks so look out for that. On an unrelated note, this is the website for a claymation video I did in the Fall of 08. Enjoy!

or search CLAYWARSF on youtube.

My Art

This one is a robot on an alien world.

This is a futuristic warrior similar to Samus from "Metroid."

This the character Bartleby from the "Bone" series by Jeff Smith.

Portrait on Cardboard

Mind's Eye

This one is called "Brain Storm"

This is one of my abstract pieces titled "Stop & Go."

About this blog

This is a blog dedicated to publishing information about Short Fuse Comics and related enterprises. Please subscribe to our updates to stay current with all your Short Fuse Comics news!
