Thanks to all who came to the tournament I hope we can do it again this summer. Sorry it was short notice. I will try to get the word out sooner next time. Again thank you.
New Venue
Attention all fans, I'm going to be selling my comics at the Main South Farmers Market. It's is located at the corner of Benefit street and Main and will be happening on Saturdays 10-2. The first one is on June 6th and they will continue every week after that until October. I will have my comics there on June 6th and if I get enough business I will continue selling every week. Issues I hope to have there are as follows Anger-Man 1&2, Peace-Man 1&2, Bolts 1, and maybe one other short one. I hope to see you there!
Hello All. This is the new blog for Short Fuse Comics. I will be using this blog to keep fans posted on what is happening with Short Fuse and its various titles. I also would like to have this blog be a place for readers to write suggestions for future issues or even new titles and characters. This blog is also going to be a place to coordinate sales for any of the comics.
In other news, issues soon to hit the stands are, Bolts Issue One and Peace Man Issue Two. Bolts is a story about a robot butler who stumbles upon a teleporter and winds up in a fantastical world inhabited by monsters. Peace Man Issue Two is double the size of any previous Short Fuse Issue and includes Peace Man solving problems on other worlds.
Thanks for reading!