School is almost over! This means I'll be free to work on several priojects this summer. I'm trying to organize an art show at some point in the near future and therefor will be producing as many pieces as I can this summer. In more curent news the Friday the 13th Slaughter Fest is happening this week. My band Friends of Foes will be playing as well as Purple Zebra and a mix of other artists. The show is going to be awesome and I hope everyone who heard of facebook will be able to make it. I've been told that the Snow Ghost will make an appearance so you know it has to be good. Pictures and possible video will be added from the show in the next week.
Not Getting A Haircut
I have been told numerous times in the past week or so that my hair is way to long and I need to get it cut. I have also been told get my hair out of my eyes. Honestly I don't think my hair is long enough. And why does it matter if my hair is in my eyes? I truly see no point to pursuing either of those two requests. My hair is mine and I can leave it as long as I want. The picture is terrible but it gives an idea of my hair length. Also I'm wearing an FYC shirt for any who knows what that is.
Friends of Foes
This post doesn't really have to do with my art or at least not in the form that most people would expect. Friends of Foes is the band I've been in for the past few months. we are a punk screamo band and have done a few local shows including one at the Palladium. I do vocals for the band along with Matt. We also have Joe on drums, and Gabe and Jonathan on guitar. I have done a few art projects to promote the band which are the images in this post. The skeleton and the paper shredder are our two shirt designs and the image with the three animals is the banner we use at shows We are pretty much always looking for more shows to play in so if anyone has a gig please let me know.
Sad Guys
This is a series I did a while ago but am only now adding to this blog. There are 7 Sad Guys in total and a few of them are shown here. They are all based off two original design and follow the same pattern. My personal favorite is the one entitled Mental Patient and the picture on this blog is of the larger version that I painted on my door.The only real similarities in the series is the form of the subject and the fact that they are all crying. Other then that I tried to keep the Sad Guys as different as possible. They are entitled (from top left to right) Frankenstein, The Beauty, Mental Patient, and Eye Candy.
Summer... YES!
The school year is over! Finally a chance to get back into some art stuff. My plans for this summer are to work on the upcoming zombie movie Asa, Keenan, and I are making. Produce at least one new comic. And work on my pieces for an art show at some point. Hope everyone has as awesome a super as mine is going to be!